The Partnership

We are the largest partnership of its type in the United Kingdom. Please take the time to read the information about us below.
What is GoSafe / the Wales Road Casualty Reduction Partnership?
The strategic aim of GoSafe is to make people safer on Welsh roads by reducing casualties and saving lives. The partnership is responsible for red light and speed camera enforcement but reducing casualties is not just about enforcing the law. The Wales Road Casualty Reduction Partnership is encouraging motorists to drive legally and safely through education and by offering permanent engineering solutions to roads.
Who is involved in the Partnership?
The Partnership is made up of 27 equal partners including the 22 Unitary authorities in Wales, four Welsh Police Forces and the Welsh Government. We also work closely with the NPHS and Fire Services in Wales.
How do you decide where to place camera vans?
Cameras are there to encourage motorists to drive within the speed limit so the most successful cameras are those which record the LEAST number of offences not the most.
Every camera in the Wales Road Casualty Reduction Partnership area complies with the Welsh Government (WG) guidance on where cameras can be placed. How and when cameras are deployed depends on the history and road safety problem at each location. Cameras may operate in areas with a casualty history and / or proven level of speeding. If required we can operate at road works, schools and areas of community concern throughout Wales.
I have concerns about speeding in my area, how can you help me and my community?
If you have concerns about speeding in your community please check out out camera search area on this site to see if we already visit your community. If your area is not currently receiving enforcement please forward your concerns with any relevant details such as speed limit, road name & characteristics (school, narrow road, pelican crossings) to the relevant Police Force Coordinator (in Mid and South Wales) or to your Safer Roads Officer (North Wales) after which you will be contacted with further details. Please see the contact us section to see who to contact in your area.
Who sets the speed limit?
Speed limits are set by the Highway Authority responsible for the section of the road, i.e. the Unitary Authority (Council) or Welsh Government. The Highways Authority will take into account the nature of the road and many other factors as laid out in the Department for Transport Guidance on setting local speed limits. Further information is available in the PDF below: